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Youth Programs

Summer Program

The Pacific Islanders Youth Alliance (PIYA) has been in existence since June of 1996, as a Summer Leadership Summit for youth of all ages (5-18) PIYA evolved into an

After-School program with more students and families wanting more cultural enrichment activities throughout the school year. This program has a cultural core component where students learn the Pacific Islander's origin and the richness of their cultures using Seven (7) Major components of these efforts have been prominent in programming over the years: Culture, Language, Visual, Performing & Fine Arts, Singing, Dancing.

"E Sui Faiga Ae Tumau Fa'avae"

The Practice may change, but the foundation stays the same.

After-School Program

Similar to our summer program, the Pacific Islanders Youth Alliance (PIYA) After School program has been in existence since 2010, as a Summer Leadership Summit for youth of all ages (5-18). This program has a cultural core component where students learn of Pacific Islander's origin and the richness of their cultures through cultural enrichment during the school in addition to academic support.

Seven (7) Major components of these efforts have been prominent in programming over the years: Culture, Language, Visual, Performing & Fine Arts, Singing, Dancing.

Funded by the Department of Children Youth and their Families (DCYF), SCDC has also collaborated with the SFUSD in the development and support of PIYA. The program is an all year round effort through the after-school program, Mondays to Thursdays except for holidays as well as an all day Summer Program.

Tupulaga Talavou Tula’i (3T’s) - Young generation “RISE UP”

3 T’s is an intergenerational cultural enrichment program designed to build personal and collective interpersonal strength among PI children and youth residing citywide in San Francisco. Using traditional dances and songs, our goal is to provide our youth with life skills that promote resilience; knowledge of their heritage that will inspire.

Arise (Ala Mai)

Arise is a mentorship program that will supplement educational services and includes academic support and the use of culturally relevant curriculum for Pacific Islander (PI) students to increase academic achievement and promote a growth mindset and a college-going culture

Funded by the Department of Children Youth and their Families (DCYF), SCDC has also collaborated with the SFUSD in the development and support of PIYA, ARISE, and RISE UP.

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